Wednesday, March 17

Interior Renovation - Day 2 [Renovation Work Indeed in Full Swing]

  • A section of the L-shaped T&B was torn down today rendering the area more spacious and ready for the installation of bathtub. In the process, the T&B door was displaced - I need to give it away (any takers?).
  • The paneling of the double wall was started today. Initial electrical cabling was also done by Mang Alejandro. Each double wall panel is roughly 11 inches wide. When all panels are installed they will be bleached, stained in off white and applied with polyurethane coating. Each panel will also have a dark brown border.
  • The wall-hung cabinet was installed with its own superimposed paneling. I was informed narra plywood will eventually be used in order to have better grain details. This paneling will conceal the necessary wires to and from the wall-mounted LCD TV.
The T&B is now more spacious
I was truly delighted to see the double wall paneling being started
Excuse the worn out shorts hanging from the wall-hung cabinet's panel

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